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TV Ratings Cambodia

IMS Proprietary Television Ratings System (IMS TVR)

TV Ratings Cambodia for TelevisionIMS TV Ratings Cambodia (IMS TVR) is a digital proprietary system that uses an international software platform to assess TV viewer-ship in each program and time slot of all TV stations.

IMS TVR was designed as a way to plan and evaluate TV placement strategy effectively in terms of value spend and reach level to maximize return on investment for our clients and Cost Per Rating Point (CPRP).

By collecting viewership data from thousands of respondents each year across Cambodia IMS’s TV ratings system is able to accurately measure effective Reach and Frequency levels of all media planning as well as calculate Gross Rating Points (GRP’s) and Target Audience Rating Points (TARP’s) for benchmarking client spend against market competitors.

Our data also allows us to evaluate the CPRP (Cost Per Rating Points) of different timeslots and stations to see clearly which placements provide best value for clients.